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Vehicle Problems

October 02, 2024

Wow, where do I even start with this.

My girlfriend drives a 2015 Dodge Ram, and I guess it decided to shit the bed recently. Or, well... I dont know enough about vehicles to really know if it did or not.

Cue last friday, Sep. 27. My girlfriend drives it home and it's running perfectly fine. Skip ahead to Sunday, and we're about to take it to go out shopping and... it's dead. No power, no clicking, no turn-over, nothing. Nada. So we assumed the battery somehow mysteriously died, and I threw it on a trickle charger and even tried to jump it a couple of times over the course of Monday. Still nothing.

We finally get a family member with some tools to come and help us, and it turns out the battery is actually perfectly fine? It reads as fully charged. So we look in the fuse box, and as far as we can tell, basically all of the fuses look okay too. But still no power to anything.

So now we have to figure out how to scrounge enough money together to pay for a mechanic to look at it and hopefully repair this POS of a truck before winter hits, while borrowing my family member's vehicle or sharing my car in the meantime, which is tough becuase I work full-time and shes in university and also works odd hours.

Oh well, I guess. Sometimes the cards we get dealt suck, and we just have to make the best of it. At least I can work more on my site while at my job to take my mind off of things. I also have started a new game-dev project with a friend, so that's exciting!

I guess thats it for now. If you want my advice, which you probably dont anyways... Dont buy the god damned 2015 Dodge Ram.

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